Janet's Blog

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0.8888888888888889% done! March 26, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jwcsun @ 2:48 pm

Yep, only four more! Super excited about that.

Also excited that it’s the weekend and I get two days off of the zapping. My skin feels like leather (some of which is peeling). They are literally tanning my hide! If only this incredible, permanent tan were somewhere more interesting than a box under my arm…

So, true countdown to the end, hooray!


3 Responses to “0.8888888888888889% done!”

  1. Melissa Says:

    Yay! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Mom Says:

    Hooray for it will be the LAST four days! May they fly by and you have a gracious soar into a future without any more treatments!

    Happy Palm Sunday weekend! Love, mom

  3. Laura Says:

    I hope these last 4 treatments zip by for you. Celebrate in a fun way! Love, Laura

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